About Me

Hey There!

My name is Kila. I am a 20-something mother & wife residing in East Tennessee. On 6.4.13 the light of my life Amelia Norah was born, and she hasn't left my side since! Fast forward to 6.6.15 and I married the love of my life Andy! In 2014 Andy and I bought our first home//A restored 1920s cottage. It is here that I found my passion for decorating & design. In August, Andy and I began renovating a historical home in our neighborhood that we plan to complete and sell around the end of the year. I love spending time with my family who, thankfully, only live 15 minutes away. I do spend most of my days at home with Amelia organizing & tweaking our house or working on a craft...or three. I'm definitely a homebody, and I have an affinity for online window shopping. I love all things weird & quirky, Diet Coke, home decor, nail polish, anything 90's related, holidays, toddler fashion, candles, stripes, staying up way too late, sleeping in, and organizing anything & everything.

Have a look around & feel free to email me with any questions!
Thanks for stopping by!!! 


Our home:

You can also find me here:

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Love your blog, is there a way to get in touch with you over email?
