Friday, August 1, 2014

Simple Autumn Wreath DIY

First of all, let me say how much I despise our front door. It's old, outdated, dented, and BROWN. Until we paint and/or replace the door, I had to somehow make it appealing and welcoming. I looked for months for a cute wreath, but failed to find one I liked that was under about $100 HA!! Definitely was not going to pay that, so I decided to make my own!! This wreath costs about $15 altogether and only takes about 20 minutes to make. Let's get started!! 

Supplies Needed:

Foam wreath
About 6-9 feet of ribbon
3 sheets of felt
Sewing pins
Hot glue gun

To begin with, pin one end of your ribbon to the wreath. After that, begin to wrap your wreath while covering the pins along the way. I ended up using around 7 feet of ribbon.

Once your wreath is wrapped, it's time to start making the flowers!! Using the CD as a guide, cut out 7-10 circles of felt. I ended up using 3 different colors, and slightly varied the sizes. 

Once your circles are cut, cut each one in a swirl starting anywhere on the outer edge going towards the middle. Next, tightly roll up the felt into a flower shape. Make sure it's tight or else it'll come loose!! When you get to the end, add a dab of hot glue to secure the edge. 

Now we get to add them to the wreath!! All you have to do is carefully push a pin through the center of the flower and into the wreath wherever you like!! 

Now you're done!! See? Easiest wreath ever. It's affordable, and you can customize the ribbon, felt, and pins to whatever colors you like. 

Check back soon for more DIYs like this one. Thanks for stopping by!! 


  1. Thanks Kila! Love it and your wreath is adorable! Definitely going to make one for our house.

    1. Awesome!! I wanna see it when you're finished!
