Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Day in Our Life

This morning I decided to do a photo an hour today. Since I am currently between my summer & fall semesters, I get almost the entire month of August off!! Most of my days are spent doing things around our house (if you know me, you probably know I LOVE to clean!) and playing with/ watching movies with Amelia. 

9 A.M. Amelia watching Lilo and Stitch. This usually happens 3-5 times a day haha She refuses to watch anything else!!

10 A.M. Amelia destroying...err...helping me go through her clothes. 

11A.M. This is the counter in our guest bath. I'm showing just the counter because the floor has about 37 million tiny shreds of toilet paper on it thanks to *someone* 

12 P.M. Yayyy!! Time to clean the entire house. This happens almost daily right now...I get bored when Amelia naps haha! 

1P.M. Getting ready to head out for a little while...

2-4 P.M. I took Amelia to the park on the lake. It was very crowded...We brought bread to feed the ducks, but instead we attracted about 30 geese and it got scary for a second!! So, I decided to take her to another park nearby and we were the only ones there! She loved getting to swing :) 

5 P.M. After the park, we went to the store and grabbed a few things. We have a pretty hefty list of things we want to change/ work on around the house, so most of this stuff is to help get us started. 

6 P.M. Amelia took a pretty long nap this afternoon... I could tell something was wrong with her because she's usually pretty active, but she just laid around a lot today. 

7 P.M. Watering my plants and marveling at the fact that they're still alive!! I've had the fern and cactus a little over a year now. 

8 P.M. Amelia waiting for her daddy to get home from work! This is the last photo I took today. Shortly after Andy got home, we had dinner and noticed Amelia was still feeling bad. I won't go into detail, but it's obvious she's got some kind of stomach bug :( We gave her a bath, gave her Gatorade, and she instantly fell asleep around 11:30. She doesn't have a temperature, so I'm really hoping this will pass quickly. 

In other news, I'm working on 2 pretty awesome DIYs to share soon!! These are both pretty major tasks to take on, but we should be finished by Sunday and then I'll share all of the details next week!! 

Thanks for stopping by!! 

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