Saturday, January 31, 2015

Easy Embroidery Hoop Weaving

I'll admit, I was intimidated the first time I tried to make a weaving...but it turned out a success! This is a great DIY for beginners, and it's super cheap to make.

Here is all you will need: 

Embroidery hoop ($1 at Hobby Lobby)

The first step is attaching one end of your base yarn to the hoop. It doesn't matter what length of yarn you choose for this, but mine was about 3 feet. Simply tie a knot to attach the yarn. 

Next, wrap the yarn over one side and back across to the other side a few times. It's ok if it slides around a bit because you can move it later. 

Once the yarn is wrapped around the hoop, replace and ugh ten the outer hoop. This is where you can readjust any yarn that may have moved around. 

Now you can choose another color yarn (again, it doesn't matter how long) and using either your fingers or a needle start to weave it over and under and back and forth across the base you made. I usually start about 4 strands in so I don't have any loose yarn hanging out on the edges. 

When you're ready to switch to another color simply drop of the yarn around the back, and start the new color where he previous one left off. 

After you've filled up most of the base, simply flip the hoop over and tie the loose ends of yarn together, or thread the loose ends down through the weaving. 

Just snip off the loose ends, and you're done!! 

You can hang this on the wall, sit it on a shelf, or even give it as a little gift!! 

If you have any questions, just ask :) 

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