Thursday, July 28, 2016

Renovation Progress

Guys. I cannot believe how long it's been since I updated you on the progress of the renovation!!! (Since January!) We will actually be finished with the house *hopefully* next week!!!

Here are a few reminder photos of what the house used to look like & where we were at in January: 

We had just finished the extension work on the living room, and we were starting to reframe the interior walls. SO MUCH work has happened since then so prepare for a photo overload!!! Since then, we have all new electric, all new plumbing, all new heating & air, all new drywall, new vanities, new patio, new landscaping, etc. It's basically a new construction, but still has the charm of the original house from 1908. 

I feel like these pictures don't do it justice. The house is gorgeous! The solid hardwood & custom kitchen cabinets are so perfect. I had the walls painted white to make the house feel even bigger & brighter than it already is. 

Next week, some MAJOR cleanup & finishing touches will be happening and then I will share the final pictures of every single room. Actually, I will post before a and afters of each area so you can see just how far this house that was destined to be condemned has come!!! 

Also, I've got some super fun DIYs coming to the blog soon so keep your eyes peeled!!! As always, thank you so much for stopping by!!! 

Love, Kila 

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