Sunday, November 22, 2015

About to Frame

The rain the past couple of weeks has really slowed us down. Once we have about a week of dry weather, we are going to continue our work on the outside. For now, we are moving right along inside!

The master bedroom foundation was repaired, and the plywood is down now & ready for hardwood.

The laundry room floor had a huge gap in the foundation, and that was also repaired. Along with the new back door going in. 

We also had one more beam to install which is used to support the entire upstairs! It has been put into place, & now the upstairs will be getting a lot more attention! 

Since we finished all of the repairs to the foundation under the majority of the house (except the living room addition, which will be done once the excavation work outside is done) all of the floors downstairs have plywood installed, and the remaining old walls were torn down!! It looks SO MUCH bigger in here. This is the floor plan that we will be keeping. The open concept dining room/kitchen/sitting areas are actually starting to finally come together. 

Here's a before picture of the dining room so you can see how much progress we have made in here: 

This weekend we are removing all of the drywall left up & framing the upstairs. That will be a huge step forward!! I'll be sure to post plenty of befores & afters in my next update!!

Thanks for stopping by! 

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